Fifth International Conference in Numerical and Experimental Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles and Trains

Welcome to the website of Aerovehicles 5. As the preceding successful four conferences, this conference is meant as a place where engineers and researchers can exchange their ideas in ground vehicle aerodynamics.


The first conference Aerovehicles 1 was hosted by the University of Bordeaux, (France), in 2014. It was followed by Aerovehicles 2 which was hosted by Chalmers University, Göteborg (Sweden), in 2016. Aerovehicles 3 was organized and hosted by Politecnico di Milano (Italy) in 2018. The latest one Aerovehicles 4 was hosted in a hybrid form by Technische Universität Berlin (Germany) in 2021.


Aerovehicles 5 will take place 2023 June 12-14 in Poitiers (France) and will be organized by Prof. Jacques Borée (ENSMA/Pprime).


Important information for participants: Aerovehicles5_Announcements



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